Whether a beer was the first of it’s kind, or one that was a game-changer in style and trend, America has a rich beer history. There are a few brews, however, that truly made a difference in what beer means in the USA and raised the bar at the bar. The list has been narrowed down to those that can still be bought. Here are a few the beers that Thrillist thought made the biggest impact.
Yuengling (1829) – The oldest brewery in America and still going strong – practically being served in IVs in Pennsylvania.
Pabst Blue Ribbon (1844) – So classic, even hipsters turn to it just to be more “ironic.”
Schlitz (1858) – The first beer to be sold in a brown bottle, thereby keeping out the sunlight and helping it to stay fresher longer.
Coors (1873) – Pioneered the “cash for cans” recycling concept.
Budweiser (1876) – The biggest brewer in the world and changed advertising forever as the symbol of the power of it.
National Bohemian (1885) – The first to be available as a 6-pack in 1943.
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