We've all been treated unfairly by others and dreamed of getting revenge. You imagine the perfect comeback to splinter their soul and the perfect plot to punish them for mistreating you. Then they'll be sorry! Then they'll pay! They'll all pay! Wa ha ha ha ha! But you don't actually do any of it and move on with your life.
Well, one man in Westford, Vermont decided to retaliate against his enemies in the most hilarious way. Ten years ago, Ted Pelkey wanted to build a 8,000 square foot garage, so he could move his truck repair and monofilament recycling businesses to his own property, rather than working in the nearby town of Swanton. Doesn't sound like a big deal, right? But unfortunately, the Westford Selectboard and Development Review Board blocked him from getting a permit. The battle continued for a decade, as town leaders kept saying no. Over and over and over.
It is not clear why authorities kept denying Pelkey's request, but finally, he couldn't take it anymore.the The disgruntled 54-year-old decided to show town officials exactly what he thought of them, by commissioning a giant statue of a middle finger. The monument was constructed out of a 700 pound block pine, sits atop a 16 foot pole, and cost $4,000. That's a lot of money to flip someone the finger, but the gesture is priceless. Oh, and here's the icing on the cake: Pelkey put up two floodlights, so the statue's visible all day, and all night. (See more pics and read more here at the source.)